Year 7 Transition Documents 2024
How are Year 7 places allocated at Culcheth High School?
As a Local Authority maintained school, we follow Warrington’s oversubscription criteria. More information can be found on page 32 of their ‘Secondary Information Booklet’ linked here.
When will I hear if my child has a place at Culcheth High School?
You will receive a notification on 1st March each year.
Is Culcheth High School oversubscribed?
Yes – we have been oversubscribed for the past 5 years.
Will a tour of the school be avaliable?
Following our Open Evening, dates and times for additional tours will be published on our school website.
Will my child have access to a locker in school?
We will allocate a locker to your child on their first day of school in September. This will be their locker for 5 years. We require a £5 locker key deposit, which can be paid via ParentPay during the Summer.
When do I need to apply for a place at Culcheth High School by?
Your application should be submitted to the Local Authority by the specified deadline. More details can found here:
How many spaces do we have in Year 7?
Culcheth High School has 240 spaces in Year 7.
What will happen if my child is not allocated a place at Culcheth High School?
The Local Authority will inform you of the appeals process, and you will automatically be placed on a waiting list, held by the Local Authority. Waiting lists are held strictly in oversubscription criteria order and places will be offered from the list to applicants who still wish to acquire a place.
What school buses are avaliable?
We have three dedicated school bus services, operated by Hiltons. Timetables and routes are available to view here:
Are there any public buses?
Yes – Warrington’s Own Buses operate two services through Culcheth, the 18 and 28. Timetables and routes are available to view here:
Are there any bus passes avaliable?
Hiltons do not operate a bus pass system. Warrington Borough Council do operate a bus pass system for those who are eligible. More information is available here:
School Uniform
What school uniform does my child need for Culcheth High School?
Compulsory uniform includes a blazer/jacket; clip on tie, skirt/trousers and a full PE kit. Further information is available here:
Where can I purchase school uniform?
Our uniform is available to purchase online with our uniform partner, SWI. Uniform purchases are delivered directly to your home.
Further information is available here:
What food is avaliable at Culcheth High School?
Our partners, Catering Academy, manage all food provision at Culcheth High School. Food is served to all students across different outlets on site. The menu range is extensive from hot meals through to sandwiches and is available five days per week. Menus are updated regularly using seasonal produce.
How do I pay for food at Culcheth High School?
We use ParentPay for parents/carers to load money onto their child’s dinner money account. You will be able to keep a track of their balance and see what has been bought.
You will receive your ParentPay registration letter in the Summer. If you have an existing ParentPay account from primary school, this letter will allow you to link it to our school
Can I use ParentPay for anything else?
Yes – we use ParentPay for our school visits, music tuition, revision guides and locker key deposits, to name a few.
Does the school have a parent app?
Yes, we have an app called MyED which can be downloaded here . This is a free app which gives you direct access to your child’s attendance, timetable and much more, including key dates, contacts, exam and reporting information as well as weekly updates and reminders of events in school, information on curriculum and homework.
How does the school communicate with parents?
Culcheth High School prides itself on regular communication with parents. We use a messaging service so that we may send important SMS/app messages and emails direct to parents and carers. We regularly update our school website with key information and news. The MyED app has a section entitled #ThisWeek, which is updated every Friday with key information and school notices for the following week. We also have a regular publication of the school newsletter, which is emailed to parents and the local community, and is available to read on the school website and parent app.