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Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Pre-Loved Uniform

Donations and Purchase of Pre-Loved UniformWhen your child outgrows any uniform CHS branded uniform item/PE Kit or leaves school, we will be pleased to receive donations from you. These must be current items only with the Culcheth High School logo and must be clean, in good condition and preferably with any student name tags removed.…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Race to the Line

Race to the Line On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th July 2023, all of our Year 7 students took part in the“Race to the Line” challenge, working in teams to design and build a model car,powered by a cannister of pressurised carbon dioxide and creating little vehiclescapable of reaching speeds of up to 14 metres per…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Planetarium and Moon Watch

Planetarium and Moon Watch In October, Culcheth High School’s Science Department teamed up with Science and Technology Facilities Council to provide our annual Community Moon Watch Event. This was a spectacular extravaganza of all things to do with the moon, from the loan of real lunar and meteorite samples (from STFC) and giving the school’s telescopes…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Mars Lander Challange

Mars lander ChallengeIn June and July the Science Department and Year 7 pupils got off to a star soaring start with students designing and building a Mars Lander for a raw egg!  This required pupils to use inspiration for the challenges that NASA has overcome to land the Mars rovers.  Showing determination, resilience and problems…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Hayley Kiss

Hayley KissHayley Kiss is currently the School Admissions Manager at Warrington Borough Council. She has worked for the Local Authority for a number of years within both the admissions and appeals teams.She has been a member of the Governing Body since 20 October 2022 and sits on the Finance and Resources Committee.  Hayley considers herself…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Year 7 “Grow your money” Project

As part of the PSHE Scheme of Work, Year 7 students had to work as part of separate teams on a mini enterprise project designed raise money to support global links with our partner school in South Africa. We chose what to do with the profit raised (£467.50), and bought educational resources which were sent over to…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

STEM Club Recycling Project

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) Club students set about encouraging students to recycle more effectively in school. They produced a video which was displayed on the digital signage around school and promoted to all year groups during assembly. Students created ‘comic strip’ recycling characters and highlighted ‘do’s and don’ts’ requirements for the bins around school. The students…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Science & Engineering Week

As part of National Science & Engineering Week, Year 9 students utilised the plastic bottles collected as part of the ‘Recycle For The Future’ project to create 2 ‘greenhouses’ for the allotment. The plan was initially to build more greenhouses to share with our linked Primary School, however, the project was far more time-consuming than anticipated…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Young Enterprise Initiative

Working with Young Enterprise and Warrington Borough Councillor Geoff Settle, students created a business designed to help the local community and be sustainable. They were each given £15 – but also had to raise additional capital to fund their company. The company created, ‘Primary Gardens’, offered a service to local primary schools. They planned to design…

Posted on by Culcheth High School Administrator

Year 7 Pupil Premium Allotment

The Eco-Schools committee successfully put a bid into the PTA for funding to create an orchard and an allotment, with a view to growing and harvesting the crops produced. The Orchard has been planted but saplings have yet to bear fruit, the allotment has been created with vegetables planned to be planted and grown in…

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