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We are proud to offer STEM opportunities

So, what is STEM all about and why do we view it as so important for our students?

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

“STEM subjects are integral to the UK’s success: the UK is the world’s sixth largest manufacturer, engineering turnover is around £800 billion per year, and whilst the UK makes up only 1% of the world’s population, we produce 10% of the world’s top scientific research.”    (source: National STEM centre)

To continue with this trend, the UK therefore needs an ever-developing skilled STEM workforce, and it is therefore crucial that all young people, regardless of their future career pathway, have the STEM knowledge and skills they need to be an informed citizen in an increasingly technological and scientific society.

However, employers are finding it difficult to recruit STEM skilled staff, despite the fact that STEM graduates have the potential to earn amongst the highest salaries of all new recruits!

One challenge for STEM teaching is to help young people recognise how the science, design & technology, computer science, engineering and mathematics that they study at school or college can lead to rich and varied career pathways. This complexity is a challenge – but also offers an enormous opportunity for STEM teachers to engage young people with these strategically important subjects.”   (source: National STEM centre)

We pride ourselves at Culcheth High School on the range and quality of STEM activities and opportunities that are available for our students.

Please look through the subgroups listed to see what we do at CHS and use the links  below to access information about some further opportunities.

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