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Supporting Students with Special Needs + Learning Development

Culcheth High School is committed to Inclusion – we see all teachers as teachers of Special Educational Needs and they are supported by a large and strong team of support staff.

The Department is situated in the Shakespeare wing but our team work throughout the school in all department areas. We are a busy department and our staff are enthusiastic, dedicated and committed to helping students achieve their full potential.  The department is led by Mrs Nicola Brearley, SENCO.

Our team provide support to Progress Leaders and all departments in a variety of ways, i.e. specialist teaching, writing and implementing Pupil passports and provision maps., Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs),  Pastoral Support Programmes (PSPs) and in-class support. We offer strategies that help students improve their learning and behaviour management.  We also run a regular homework club within our area, designed especially to support those with specific learning needs.

We believe that it is important to equip our students with confidence, independence and the life skills that are necessary both in school and out in the community.

We enjoy close links with parents/carers which we believe is invaluable when dealing with the complex nature of some of our students needs.

Literacy and Numeracy

Support for children with particular needs in literacy and numeracy is essential if students are to make the necessary progress in not only Maths and English but also across the whole curriculum in their time in the school.

Working firstly with our primary partner schools and then through testing in school (such as CATs and Baseline tests on arrival) we identify and support students who will benefit from extra support.  In literacy, students may have two hours extra provision in English, receive specialist tuition and/or follow the Read, Write, Inc. programme. Additional 1:1 and small group work is delivered to targeted students in Maths.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support

We provide a range of support for students who need assistance in the development of social skills and guidance.  This support is based on the identification of needs.  We have dedicated mentors who work 1:1 or deliver group work.  We work closely with our pastoral team in school the Youth Service, police, school nurse, educational psychology team and other outside agencies to ensure we access the appropriate support.

Students can access our Inclusion area for a range of support needs and, on occasions, as a place for ‘refuge’ from challenging situations.  We have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) who works with students who may have issues with anxiety and managing emotions.  Some students may also be referred to our mental health support team (MHST) worker or further intervention.

As students move up the school, all are able to access high-quality Information, Advice and Guidance from our Careers’ Adviser. We also offer alternative and supporting curricular provision through our Employability Skills programme which includes work experience, learning interview skills and other ‘life’ skills.

Multi-sensory Support

All staff are encouraged to use a variety of learning styles.  This is particularly prevalent in our literacy and numeracy groups.  We have a sensory tent available to students to support regulation.

Disability Support

Our new, purpose-built school is fully accessible.  We liaise with the sensory support team, occupational therapists and medical professionals in order to support our students.

If you have any questions regarding support for those with special needs at the school, please contact Mrs N Brearley, Inclusion Manager.

Inclusion Staff

Inclusion Manager: Mrs N Brearley

Learning Mentor: Mr G Tanner

Teaching Assistants: Mrs G Garner, Mrs H Hamer, Mrs E Johnson, Mrs L McMahon, Mrs H Pickavance, Mrs S Noneley, Mrs H Saunders, Mrs H Farrington, Mrs Lacey.

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