Careers - Employers
At Culcheth High School we value the importance of strong links with local employers, and the benefits they can bring to our Careers programme as well as the additional enrichment and opportunities they can afford to our students; this is turn inspires them to be The Best They Can Be.
We work with employers across a range of events to encourage our students to aim high in their future career pathways. We aim to involve local employers in our Careers programme (see table below for a brief overview of our termly careers activities). We like our students to hear all about what jobs are like on a day to day basis, along with learning about what the entry pathway to certain jobs looks like, key qualifications etc.
We are keen to continue to build on existing relationships with local employers and look forward to working alongside local businesses in the future to provide high quality encounters for our students.
If you are interested in being part of our Careers programme, or would like to speak to our Careers Leader about what you can offer, please get in touch using the contact details below.
Laura Quicler- Teacher in Charge of Careers-