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What is an unauthorised absence?

Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider essential or reasonable.

Unauthorised absences can include:
- Forgetting school term dates.
- Oversleeping.
- Arriving at school after the register has closed (at least an hour late)
- Leaving without good reason during the school day.
- Truancy during the school day.
- Keeping pupils off school unnecessarily or without explanation.
- Day trips or family outings.
- Problems with uniform/clothing (school will be able to help)
- Birthdays and holidays
As a school we must follow national legal guidelines which means that holiday requests during term-time cannot be authorised. Where this is unavoidable, and only in exceptional circumstances, send an e-mail to school for the attention of the Headteacher. This must be made at least  4 weeks prior to any absence. This can also be used for religious observance requests.

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