Coming to school every day is the best way to achieve, succeed and get the most out of school. We work with students, parents and carers to make sure everyone has what they need to attend and our target for pupils’ attendance overall is at least 97%.
All parents should help to promote good attendance and work with school to ensure learning opportunities are maximised. We all want the best for our children. Working together, we can give pupils every chance of reaching their academic and social potential. However, the more days a child is absent from school the greater the risk of underachievement and social isolation. We understand there are exceptional circumstances, for example, long term illness (supported by medical evidence), where school and the local Authority will set bespoke targets and work with these students and parents to maximise attendance whilst appreciating these challenges.
In school we are all dedicated to attendance, each year group has a Pastoral Support Officer and we have our Attendance Officer Mrs Peters and Senior Leader for attendance Mr Cushing.