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Assessment/ QMAs/ PPEs

A full guide to assessment at Culcheth High School can be found by clicking on the links below

Quality Marked Assessments

QMAs are the main form of assessment in the classroom for all year groups. These Quality Marked Assessments are pieces of assessed work that students complete in class. Many are written examinations, some will be practical assessments. QMAs are set at key times to help teachers, students and parents understand how students are progressing with their learning.

QMAs are all planned and scheduled for the academic year. A calendar of dates is shared with all students and parents at the start of the academic year and available with further guidance in the QMA handbooks (link below). The QMA handbook lists the dates of all QMAs and a summary of the content/ focus areas of the QMA

In Years 7 – 9 QMAs are marked using percentage scores. This is to tell students how much of the assessment they have been successful in. In lessons following a QMA, teachers and students will use feedback strategies to close the gaps in learning that have been identified.

In Year 10 – 11 QMAs are marked using GCSE grades and a fine grade (+, =, -). These GCSE grades are designed to help ‘indicate’ the approximate GCSE grade a student has achieved on a single task, but do not predict that this will be their final grade in this subject.

To help support your child at school, click here to find the QMA Handbook for your child’s year group. This guide will tell you the dates of every QMA, what content will be assessed and how.

Pre-Public Exams

The only additional assessments to QMAs are PPEs. These are Pre-Public Examinations or mock GCSE examinations. They are only set for students in Year 10 and 11. PPEs take place in the school hall as a full mock examination experience. The dates for these exam weeks are published in the school calendar for this year. You will receive updates on #ThisWeek and via subject teachers.

Student Targets

Every student has a different starting point and therefore personalised targets for assessments are set at the start of the academic year. Students in Year 7 – 9 are set targets for the end of Year 9.  We will write to you in September, listing the targets for your child for that academic year. Students will record their targets in their planners and on their subject exercise books.

The ‘On track’ ladder (pages 34– 39 in the student planner) provides a guide for the three-year journey, to work towards achieving these targets.

Students in Years 10 and 11 have targets for their GCSE courses. These targets are set for the end of Year 11 when the exams are taken.

Targets are set to ensure every student has the best possible chance of being the best they can be. All students will need to work hard, using our values of respect, honesty and excellence every day to work towards these targets.

Targets are set using large samples of national data and therefore tell you where your child needs to be performing to achieve in line with the best students nationally.

Click here for more information about how and when you will receive reports outlining the achievement and progress your child is making at Culcheth High School.

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